Sunday, February 24, 2013

Connecting With "Safe Spaces" Through Vaccaro, August, & Kennedy

When I started reading the article, Safe Spaces, I realized right away what the article was going to be about. As I went through certain parts of the text about LGBT it made me think a lot about when I was in high school. Especially when the article spoke about a fifteen year old boy, freshman, who committed suicide because of his sexual orientation. Though, when I read this it did not really shock me because I think most teenage suicidal accidents happen because of bullying and sexual orientation. As I look back on my high school years, I can say bullying was a main subject talked about in my school. Though, students did not always listen or care, and would proceed to bully certain students that were an easy target. Not many students in my high school were LGBT, but the percentage that were, I would say were bullied. It wasn’t out of control bullying, but it was definitely hurtful, and thankfully students were disciplined for their actions. The only time students really talked about gender and sexualities I think was in gym class or health, which is part of the problem because subjects like this aren’t discussed enough. Teachers and educators need to focus more on diversity and social sensitivity inside the classrooms to prevent the bullying atmosphere that schools are living in today. I feel like the article discussed a lot of this, but at the same time, issues are still happening. As students get older, and into their teenage years, I feel like that is the worst age group for bullying. That is why the topic of LGBT needs to be brought up to students of all grades starting in elementary school, so they aren’t so sheltered and are aware of different people in the world. 

* Does anyone else share the same opinion? Or have you witnessed this bullying issue in your own school years?

Monday, February 18, 2013

Rodriguez's Argument On Behalf Of Bilingualism

After reading Rodriguez’s text, “Aria,” many thoughts popped into my head about bilingual education. Richard Rodriguez was a young boy raised in a Spanish family with his siblings and parents. The children went to school where they were taught english, the public language, while at home they mostly talked spanish, the private language. This was definitely a struggle for Richard Rodriguez, being only seven years old, he needed to be practicing english inside and outside of the classroom. At first Richard’s parents agreed to learn english, but then the father failed because he was not confident in knowing what he was saying, but the mother proceeded to learn the new language for the sake of her children. “It was still then ingles, a language foreign to us, so we felt as strangers drawn to it.” The Rodriguez family were strangers to the language, but with their children being American citizens, and needing to know the english language in their schools, it needed to be practiced. 

This text opened my eyes to how a child explained what it was like for him to learn a new language, with not much help from his parents. For my service learning project, I am stationed in a bilingual kindergarten classroom, and work with four students who need extra help with letter sounds, reading, and math skills. My first impression when I walked into Mrs. Rodriguez’s classroom (name coincidence... weird) was oh my god, this is one crazy atmosphere. The students were all over the place, which I did expect since their all five years old, but the teacher is talking in english then saying things in spanish, and their I am thinking to myself I can’t speak spanish. The reading specialist did tell me that the reason why so many will respond in spanish is because that is what they are taught at home, and many parents don’t know the english language. Once I met the students I was working with I felt a little more reassured because three out of the four were very good at speaking english, but one struggled and I could not really understand him. Since it was only my first time meeting with the students, I know it will only get better from their and I am so excited to help the students grow with their english skills. “Aria,” displayed the struggles of Richard in and out of the classroom with language, and shared how he grew, so I am hoping it will go the same for the students I am working with at Lillian Elementary. 

* I can't stand families being broken into pieces because of the sacrifices they don't want to make to help their children succeed in life. Parents most importantly should be willing to learn the language their children need to be taught in school. 

Monday, February 11, 2013

Peggy McIntosh "White Privilege" Reflection

Peggy McIntosh’s article, “White Privilege,” argues that many people of the “privileged” category don’t recognize themselves as privileged. Specifically, McIntosh discusses the advantages of being a white women opposed to being a women of color. White women tend to live an easier, privileged, life than most of color according to McIntosh. “Whites are taught to think of their lives as morally neutral, normative, and average, and also ideal, so that when we work to benefit others, this is seen as work that will allow “them” to be more like “us.”” When this line is said, McIntosh decides to identify the daily effects of white privilege in her life as a white women. While reading the list of the realizations, it is true that some privileged, white women see themselves superior to women of color. I do believe that this occurs in todays society because of how people were brought up, and continue to bring their children up. I am so against racism, and how people think they are better than others because of their race or social status. Everyone should be treated equal no matter what their sex, or color, or status is, which Peggy McIntosh was trying to convey in her article about “White Privilege.” People I think misunderstand the term “privileged” and take it as being superior/ better than others that may not be as fortunate as themselves. This article traces back to the last two read in class about Ideology, Power, Privilege, and The Culture of Power, and how they discuss issues with racism, and social issues in different areas of the world. Though they all do tie together with how white people think they are more powerful than people of color. 

* Why would McIntosh use the "Invisible Knapsack" as an example to describe white privileged people?

Sunday, February 10, 2013


Hi Everyone! I'm Megan, 19, studying at RIC as an elementary education major and focusing on special education. I realized teaching was my passion when I was a sophomore in High School, and enrolled in the Preschool Program, which was developed by students through the child care courses. My senior year I was given an opportunity to volunteer in an Elementary School to work with a first grade classroom. This was an experience I'll never forget. I learned so much from the teacher and the students, and really grew a bond with both, and it truly made me realize this is what I want to do with my future. <3